Sound the horns!! TIMES ARE PUBLISHED...
...for Oyster River Dressage next weekend. After feverishly fixing a glitch (of my own oversight), the times are up and competitors should have recieved an email from Fox Village Dressage (FVD) alerting them to the published times.
With other news that makes me giddy with excitement - it's supposed to be PERFECT weather this weekend!!! Now quick - go knock on wood!! Even Luna is looking forward to the show, see her photos modeling the fancy new ribbons!
We have lovely ribbons, neck ribbons for High Point rides at EACH level, Saturday and Sunday, along with some other fabulous awards and prizes. Our vendors are confirming thier attendance, so far we are looking forward to Siegel Saddlery, Tack & Treasure, The Mane Event (braiding services), Peter Schnabel Photography, and Good Treats & Eats.