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Maryland in May, among other things...

On the Bit Events will be starting a very busy May... starting with the UNH Horse Trials on April 26-27. We have a fairly low entry list to date, but considering the LOOOONGEST WINTER EVER, it's not surprising. I'm working on the schedule now and should have it posted in a day or two.

Then, I'm leaving, on an airplane. Don't know when I'll be back again (J/K, I'll be back after the show!), for the Maryland Combined Training Assoc. (MCTA) Horse Trials at Shawan Downs. I'll be there as the chief scorer and StartBox Scoring guru for the weekend. I'm looking forward to helping such a nice event and perhaps I'll be able to see some of the Intermediate & Advanced riders go? Check out the entry list at

Last, but not least, OTBE is heading to West Springfield, MA for the Hudson Valley Arabian Horse Show Assoc (HVAHA) as Dressage & Sport Horse Manager May 9-11. Then back to UNH to finish up the Spring semester and see my hubby and dog. Phew!

Stay tuned for updates along the way.

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